Craig H. Ganoe, MS
Research Scientist, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health and Department of Biomedical Data Science
Craig is a researcher in human-computer interaction (HCI) design and usability. His research interests currently focus around design of software in support of local community and caregiver engagement as well as the design of user interface affordances for group awareness in shared decision making – with the goal of designing usable software that better enables connections within families and within local communities. Craig received his MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech in 1998 with a focus on HCI and has primarily worked in academic research since. Craig is an avid hiker who first visited the Upper Valley of NH/VT in 1994 and after returning many times since was proud to make it his home.
Selected Publications
- Barr PJ, Haslett W, Dannenberg MD, Oh L, Elwyn G, Hassanpour S, Bonasia KL, Finora JC, Schoonmaker JA, Onsando WM, Ryan J, Bruce ML, Das AK, Arend R, Piper S, Ganoe CH. An audio personal health library of clinic visit recordings for patients and their caregivers (HealthPAL): User-centered design approach. J Med Internet Res. 2021 Oct 22;23(10):e25512. doi: 10.2196/25512. PMID: 34677131.
- Ganoe CH, Wu W, Barr PJ, Haslett W, Dannenberg MD, Bonasia KL, Finora JC, Schoonmaker JA, Onsando WM, Ryan J, Elwyn G, Bruce ML, Das AK, Hassanpour S. Natural language processing for automated annotation of medication mentions in primary care visit conversations. JAMIA Open. 2021 Aug 19;4(3):ooab071. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooab071. PMID: 34423262; PMCID: PMC8374372.
- Hoffman AS, Bateman DR, Ganoe C, Punjasthitkul S, Das AK, Hoffman DB, Housten AJ, Peirce HA, Dreyer L, Tang C, Bennett A, Bartels SJ. Development and field testing of a long-term care decision aid website for older adults: Engaging patients and caregivers in user-centered design. Gerontologist. 2020 Jul 15;60(5):935-946. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnz141. PMID: 31773140; PMCID: PMC7456976.
- McLaren BM, van Gog T, Ganoe C, Karabinos M, Yaron D. The efficiency of worked examples compared to erroneous examples, tutored problem solving, and problem solving in computer-based learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 2016 Feb;55(Part A):87–99.
- Forlizzi J, McLaren B, Ganoe C, McLaren P, Kihumba G, Lister K. Decimal Point: Designing and developing an educational game to teach decimals to middle school students. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL-2014). 2014 Jan;128-135.
- Borge M, Ganoe CH, Shih S-I, Carroll JM. Patterns of team processes and breakdowns in information analysis tasks. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2012). 2012 Feb;1105–1114.
- Ganoe CH, Robinson HR, Horning MA, Xie X, Carroll JM. Mobile awareness and participation in community-oriented activities. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (COM.Geo ’10). 2010 June;1–8.
- Convertino G, Mentis HM, Rosson MB, Carroll JM, Slavkovic A, Ganoe CH. Articulating common ground in cooperative work: Content and process. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008). 2008 Apr 6;1637–1646.
- Farooq U, Kannampallil TG, Song Y, Ganoe CH, Carroll JM, Giles L. Evaluating tagging behavior in social bookmarking systems: Metrics and design heuristics. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (CSCW 2007). 2007 Nov 4;351–360.
- Merkel C, Farooq U, Xiao L, Ganoe C, Rosson MB, Carroll JM. Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations: Methodological challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT ’07). 2007 March 30;Pages 8–es.
- Carroll JM, Rosson MB, Convertino G, Ganoe CH. Awareness and teamwork in computer-supported collaborations. Interacting with Computers. 2006 Jan;18(1):21–46.