Eye on Innovation
- Patient-Focused Technology Improving Women’s Healthcare
- Participant Engagement in a Transmedia Storytelling Web-Based App Intervention for Mental Health of Latina Women: Qualitative Analysis
- A Mobile App (AMOR Mama) for Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy: Functionality and Usability Study
- Women Now Drink As Much As Men — Not So Much For Pleasure, But To Cope
- Using artificial intelligence and longitudinal location data to differentiate persons who develop posttraumatic stress disorder following childhood trauma
- A mobile phone-based multimedia intervention to support maternal health is acceptable and feasible among illiterate pregnant women in Uganda: Qualitative findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial
- This Wellness App Shines a Light on Black Mental Health
- Perspectives on trauma and the design of a technology-based trauma-informed intervention for women receiving medications for addiction treatment in community-based settings
- Treatment of opioid use disorder in pregnant women via telemedicine: A nonrandomized controlled trial