Eye on Innovation
doctor patient relationship
- Q&A With Paul Barr—Using AI and Amplifying the Voices of Patients
- A New Dawn in Patient Empowerment is Upon Us
- Preparing Healthcare Leaders of The Digital Age With an Integrative Artificial Intelligence Curriculum: A Pilot Study
- Letters: Doctors, A.I. and Empathy for Patients
- Bridging the Digital Health Divide: Characterizing Patient Portal Users and Nonusers in the U.S.
- Dartmouth-led Research Team Receives $3.3 Million Grant to Test Efficacy of Adding Audio Recordings to Clinic Visits with Older Adults
- Developing Trust in Healthcare AI, Step by Step
- Dealing with Medication-Related Weight Gain
- Geisel Researchers Receive $4 Million Grant to Improve Office Visit Interactions Between People Living with Dementia, Care Partners, and Clinicians