Borrelli B, Rueras N, Jurasic M. Delivery of a smoking cessation induction intervention via virtual reality headset during a dental cleaning. Transl Behav Med 2021;11(1):182-188. doi:10.1093/tbm/ibz144
This study examined the feasibility and user satisfaction of a smoking cession induction intervention administered during dental hygiene appointments. The novel intervention included showing participants two videos via a VR headset during their dental appointments. Both videos were developed using Social Cognitive Theory and were tailored for individuals who were or were not ready to quit smoking. All participants were shown both videos during their dental procedures. Twenty-three participants participated in the study, all of whom completed the 1-month follow-up. Both participants and dental hygienists reported that the VR headset did not get in the way of the dental procedures or interrupt necessary communications with the participants. The videos were described in detail after the dental appointment by 82.6% of participants, displaying knowledge retention. Fourteen participants reported making intentional quit attempts, and readiness to quit measures increased from 17.6% to 35.3% at the one-month follow-up. Qualitative reports showed high engagement and acceptability for both the video content and the VR headset method of viewing.