Varun Mishra, Deputy Director of CTBH’s Emerging Technologies and Data Analytics Core received an IMWUT Distinguished Paper Award, in recognition for his outstanding and exemplary contributions to the research community. His winning paper “Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment” was published in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies ( PACM IMWUT), Volume 5, June 2021, and his award was announced during the UbiComp/ISWC 2022 Awards Ceremony on September 14, 2022.
The citation for Dr. Mishra’s award was: “This research is a perfect example of how to improve mobile health interventions by exploring models that help to decide on the fly when the right moment for the intervention has arrived. It reports findings from an in-the-wild study with 83 participants over three weeks and thus constitutes a core Ubicomp research contributions.”