Baker, A.L., Turner, A., Kelly, P.J., Spring, B., Callister, R., Collins, C.E., Woodcock, K.L., Kay-Lambkin, F.J., Devir, H., & Lewin, T.J. (2014). ‘Better Health Choices’ by telephone: A feasibility trial of improving diet and physical activity in people diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Psychiatry Research. Advance online publication. PMID: 25078563.
This pilot study examined the feasibility and effectiveness of a telephone-delivered intervention to improve diet and physical activity in individuals with psychosis. The authors selected 20 individuals with psychosis to participate in this pre- and post-treatment study. All participants completed a baseline assessment, followed by the Better Health Choices telephone intervention. This eight session intervention used motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to encourage change in diet and physical activity levels. Participants were assessed using self-report measures four weeks after completing the program. At the post-treatment assessment, participants had improved scores on the self-report Australian Recommended Food Score (ARFS) fruit subscale, better diet quality, increased physical activity levels, and improved global functioning and quality of life. No changes were found in overall servings of fruits and vegetables consumed daily, cigarette use, or alcohol use. When asked about satisfaction, 94% of participants reported being satisfied with the Better Health Choices telephone program.